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Join the College of Fine Arts

How to Apply to the College of Fine Arts

Students seeking admission to the College of Fine Arts must first meet all OHIO requirements, and need to apply through the main university website. Some academic units within the college may have additional requirements. See below for specific admission and program information.

Students seeking admission to the College of Fine Arts must meet all Ohio University requirements.


1. Apply online

2. Pay your application fee.

3. Have your transcript(s) officially sent.

4. Request that your ACT and/or SAT scores be sent, if applicable.

5. Check your status online!

The path to your future begins here.

Apply at

Application information regarding undergraduate admissions

Academic units within the College of Fine Arts may have additional requirements such as auditions, interviews and/or portfolio reviews. For specific admission and program requirements, go to the individual school's site:

Art + Design

Including a wide assortment of bachelors degrees, opportunities for Honors Tutorial College students, minors, and graduate programs in studio art, design, and scholarship.


Including a wide assortment of bachelors degrees, opportunities for Honors Tutorial College students, minors, and graduate programs in music.


Including an assortment of bachelors degrees, opportunities for Honors Tutorial College students, minors, and graduate programs in the theater arts.


Including an assortment of bachelors degrees, minors, and opportunities for Honors Tutorial College students in dance.


Including a new bachelors degree, opportunities for Honors Tutorial College students, and graduate Programs in film studies and production.

Interdisciplinary Arts 
Including opportunities for Honors Tutorial College students, a New B.F.A. degree, and PhD Programs.

Looking for Graduate Admissions Information?

Application information regarding graduate admissions.