

加入我们! 2024年6月17日至22日


The 舞蹈学院 welcomes Full Circle 跳舞 Company from Baltimore, 马里兰, 为其2024年夏季密集. 圆舞蹈团是巴尔的摩, 马里兰最杰出的现代舞团, known for its thematic choreography featuring a diverse array of members. Highlighted in this group's end-of-session performances will be the choreographic work of our very own,  特拉维斯格林机关枪! 这将是一个充满家乡味道的激动人心的活动.

更多关于Full Circle 跳舞 Company (FCDC)

圆圆舞团成立于2000年. 雅可布. 从一开始, 《newbb电子》一直致力于呈现不同的故事, 解决现实问题, and creating technically excellent work that engages and moves a broad audience.

除了经常在马里兰州演出, 华盛顿特区, 和维吉尼亚州, 《newbb电子平台》受邀在康涅狄格州演出, 纽约, 俄亥俄州, 亚利桑那州, 和田纳西州. 场地包括巴尔的摩艺术景观节, 巴尔的摩艺术博物馆, 坦佩艺术中心(AZ), 百老汇舞蹈中心(纽约), newbb电子平台, 卫斯理大学(CT), 舞蹈场所(华盛顿特区), 还有很多其他的.

Since 2004, Full Circle has developed a signature method for creating and presenting work. 每年选择一个议题进行深入探讨, 该公司委托多达七名编舞, 邀请每个人从任何角度来探讨这个问题. The resulting works—thematically united but reflecting diverse approaches and perspectives—are presented together, inviting audiences to engage with difficult challenges in new ways. 解决种族等复杂问题, 宗教, 身体形象, 性别, 和更多的, Full Circle’s yearlong choreography projects have received both local and national attention.


在线注册 现在开放了. 

  • 2024年5月10日:付款截止日期.

  • June 16, 2024: Residential student move-in, commuter students invited to join for a welcome dinner.

  • 2024年6月17日至21日:开课

  • June 22, 2024: Final performance in Shirley Wimmer 跳舞 剧院, residential student move-out.



9:30–10:45 a.m.当代技术与全圆
10:45–11:00 a.m.打破
11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.Professional Development seminars with Full Circle company members
12:30–1:30 p.m.在大学食堂吃午饭 
1:30–3:00 p.m.《newbb电子》的剧目
3:00–3:15 p.m.打破
3:15–4:30 p.m.新生作品《newbb电子》的创作与排练
5:00–6:00 p.m.在大学食堂吃晚餐
6:00–9:00 p.m.可选学生活动及全程排练

Commuter students are welcome to enjoy meals with residential students at local restaurants and at the dining hall on a pay-as-you-go basis, and are invited to stay each evening for optional activities and company rehearsals..


暑期舞蹈学院 with Full Circle 跳舞 Company – 2024年6月17日至22日

暑期舞蹈学院 with Full Circle 跳舞 Company – 2024年6月17日至22日
June 16–22, 2024, 6 nights accommodation in university residence halls including all meals



Linen Package – includes all twin extra-long bedding, 枕头, and towels$15.00


Some financial aid and scholarships are available to assist with program fees. 要申请,请在注册时上传您的经济援助.

新! 本科生奖学金: The 美术学院 will guarantee a minimum $2000 fine arts scholarship to all summer pre-college students who successfully complete their program and then matriculate to an undergraduate degree in the 美术学院 at newbb电子平台.

奖学金 will be applied to 俄亥俄州 University Undergraduate Tuition upon admission and matriculation into a 美术学院 major. 奖学金 are distributed over four years of study ($500 per year) with maintenance of eligibility (major in the 美术学院, 3.平均绩点0,每学期15小时(秋季/春季学期). Pre-College 奖学金 may be stackable with other 俄亥俄州 awards and scholarships up to the full cost of resident tuition. 


newbb电子平台教职员, 教师, 和校友, 还有他们的孩子和家属, 获得10%的课程费用折扣. Enter employee name and department or enter your degree program completed and year of graduation at registration to receive your discount. 只适用一次折扣或奖励.





住在校园里没有必要买车. 参与者可以轻松地步行到校园的所有区域 雅典公共交通 使用当地便利设施. If parking on campus, participants must purchase either a commuter or overnight parking pass. 视图 校园地图 作为指导.


Students aged 18 and younger will be housed in double occupancy rooms in university residence halls and may request a roommate in advance if desired.

Students 19 and older will be housed singly in a separate residence hall.


All students staying in residence on campus are automatically enrolled in our meal plan for the duration of the session, 哪一个提供我们校园餐厅的所有餐食. 膳食包括健康,新鲜的选择,以满足所有的饮食需求. 可以查看示例菜单 在线.

Students with particular dietary restrictions or concerns may reach out to our campus dietitian Angie Bohyer at bohyer@俄亥俄州.edu.


我们一周的密集计划, we are unable to offer part-time registration for the 暑期舞蹈学院, however we encourage those who are interested but unable to attend fully to join us on Saturday, June 22 for the final performance in the Shirley Wimmer 跳舞 剧院.


Students may be divided according to age range and technical ability. 如有必要调整, the workshop 教师 or staff will speak to the dancers individually.


Each day begins with a morning technique class led by Full Circle 跳舞 Company, followed by professional development seminars taught by company members. The afternoon session includes repertory and composition courses with the company. Each day ends with nightly activities including Full Circle rehearsals to observe, 即兴表演堵塞, 健康研讨会.


The program will host optional nightly events that may include open company rehearsals, 公司的演讲或演示, 电影, 健康及营养讲座, 即兴表演堵塞, 等. Students may also choose to relax with friends and spend time on campus and in Uptown 雅典.


Regarding clothes: enough dancewear to get through one week (laundry facilities are available in residence halls), 伞, 一件轻薄的夹克/运动衫, 演出时穿的衣服(可以是非正式的). Campus recreation facilities are available to participants so you may choose to bring additional athletic clothing including a swimsuit and towel.

健康和保健:处方, 非处方药, or any necessary toiletries (there is a CVS within walking distance).  

杂项:个人电子产品和充电器, 闹钟, 杂志, 瑜伽垫或大毛巾, 护膝, 还有水瓶. 

您可以选择带自己的亚麻布(超长双床单), 毯子, 枕头, towels) or select the add-on linen package with the housing and meal plan. (如果您没有超长的双床单套, 另外两张大小不同的床单可以放床垫。.

其他重要项目:健康保险信息, bankcard or cash for one week (several ATM machines within walking distance).




There are plenty of things to do and see on the newbb电子平台 campus and in the surrounding 雅典 area. 步行到法院街去逛逛当地的餐馆, 面包店, 商店, 还有咖啡和开麦之夜, 口语, 还有当地的音乐家. 花点时间和朋友在学院草地上野餐. 在雅典提供的众多步道中选择一条徒步旅行. 

访问 雅典县 网站获取更多的想法和信息!


电子邮件: summerarts@俄亥俄州.edu