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An Athens Public Transportation bus approaches the roundabout at Richland Ave. from the south.
Sustainable Living Hub: Transportation

Sustainable Living Hub: Transportation

About Sustainable Transportation

 Hockhocking Adena Bikeway Bicycle Riders with the Office of Sustainability

除了单人用车(sov)之外,前往newbb电子平台及其周边旅行很容易。. 替代运输通常比SOV运输更便宜,同时使用更少的自然资源.  Alternative active transportation (biking, walking) is cheaper, better for the environment, and healthier.  Alternative transit options for short and long distance trips are listed below. 服务提供者的信息是不保证的,它包含在这个网页上并不意味着newbb电子平台认可的提供者. Please refer to the Office of Transportation and Parking Services webpage for additional information on campus transit options.

Sustainability Project Laboratory Logo

The Sustainability Project Laboratory is a database of sustainability-related project proposals. This resource hosts projects and project ideas that can be adopted by faculty, staff, and students for course projects, capstone or senior projects, theses, and more. Search "Transportation" in the Project Database search bar on the Sustainability Project Laboratory page to find projects related to the transportation theme.

2017年交通信息图概述了2011年可持续发展基准和2026财年新目标的进展情况. 在“我们现在(2017年):2011年可持续发展计划的进展”标签中找到相关信息," "Moving Forward: 2017 Sustainability & Climate Action Plan Goal #1," and "Moving Forward: 2017 Sustainability & Climate Action Plan Goal #2."

Current Data

Ohio University students make up the majority of commuting carbon emissions, approximately 14,000 metric tons of emitted carbon dioxide (MT-eCO2) in 2020, followed by staff commuting (approximately 6,000 MT-eCO2) and faculty commuting (approximately 2,000 MT-eCO2). 在2021学年,由于COVID-19大流行,通勤率处于历史最低水平. Interestingly, since that year, 教职员工的通勤减少了,因为更多的人能够远程工作(2022年约有三分之一的教职员工远程工作),但学生的通勤排放却大幅上升.
Ohio University has over 33 miles of sidewalks.
Ohio University is proud to have over 33 miles of sidewalk on its campus.

Accessibility View of Transportation Graphics

Transportation Graphics

STARS Transportation Comparison
AASHE STARS compares programs across the nation in many different categories. Ohio University reports above the national average in transportation.
Ohio University Emissions Breakdown
At Ohio University, transportation makes up about a quarter of the emissions, with faculty (light purple), staff (light green), and student (dark blue) composing a large part of that. 航空旅行(棕色)和直接运输(橙色)也对运输总量有贡献.

Where we are now (2017): Progress toward 2011 Sustainability Plan

  • Benchmark 1:  Reduce institutional greenhouse gas emissions. Target exceeded and in Progress.​

  • 基准16:提高学生、员工和教师车辆的可持续性. Ineffective target and goal.

  • Benchmark 18:  Improve sustainability profile of campus fleet. Target baseline created (fuel economy) and target met (CAFE).​

  • Benchmark 27:  Decrease use of Single Occupancy Vehicles. Target nearly met and data collected.

Moving Forward: 2017 Sustainability & Climate Action Plan Goal #1

Goal 1: Reduce carbon emissions from transportation from 25,208 MTeCO2 in FY17 to 20,000 MTeCO2 in FY26. 包括所有从雅典公共交通和校园交通服务的newbb电子平台通行证.

Potential Strategies​

  • Increase options for and use of alternative transportation to, from and on campus  ​

  • Offer opportunities for carbon offset purchases for airline and conference travel​

  • 增加替代交通和碳减排倡议的营销

  • Increased use of hybrid vehicles in campus fleet​

  • Educational campaign to expand campus bus ridership​

  • Educational campaign to encourage alternative  transportation usage​

  • Improve fuel economy of University vehicles​

  • Continue Campus Circulation Thru Transit program

Benefits of Goal #1 

  • Reduced operating expense
  • Reduced emissions
  • Human health benefits 

Costs of Goal #1

  • Capital expenses
  • Operation and management costs

Moving Forward: 2017 Sustainability & Climate Action Plan Goal #2

Goal 2: Create safe, efficient, 负担得起和健康的路线和非sov(单人租用车辆)过境的选择.

  • Increase miles of non-motorized transportation routes from 3 to 3.5 miles. Includes Bikeway, campus roadway bike lanes, and multi-modal Sweep.
  • Increase number of bus routes from 7 to 12. 包括所有从雅典公共交通和校园交通服务的newbb电子平台通行证.
  • Increase number of monthly small shared mobility device users from 2500 to 2750.

Potential Strategies​

  • Offer expanded Shared Mobility Programs​

  • "Share the Road" educational campaign​

  • Utilize Complete Streets framework ​

  • Identify additional non-motorized transportation routes

Benefits of Goal #2

  • Reduced operating expense
  • Positive community impact
  • Human health benefits 

Costs of Goal #2

  • Capital expenses
  • Operation and management costs

Hub Initiatives

Hub Supported Initiatives

ReBike Program

Each year dozens of bicycles are abandoned on campus. After collecting the abandoned bicycles, the Ohio University Police Department holds the seized property. If no claims have been made within 90 days, the property is legally declared abandoned and turned over to OHIO Moving & Surplus. In the spring, Moving & 盈余与可持续发展办公室合作,将这些回收的自行车出售给我们的社区. Click here for more information.

EV Showcase

在一年一度的俄亥俄州地球日庆祝活动中,有一辆电动汽车展示,展示太阳能和电力驱动技术, including electric automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles and skateboards. Click here to learn more.

Hub Related Initiatives

Bobcat Pass

newbb电子平台通行证计划是newbb电子平台和雅典市之间的合作伙伴关系,使教师, staff and students to ride Athens Public Transit (APT) routes free of charge. 乘客只需在指定的APT路线上向巴士司机出示有效的大学身份证,即可无限次乘车. Transit vehicles provide accessibility and bicycle accommodations. Click here to learn more.

Shared Active Transportation Programs

OHIO supports sustainability through promoting the use of safe, 可靠和负担得起的多式联运选择,包括共享移动设备,如 e-scooters and e-bikes.

Transportation Working Group

Led by OHIO Transportation and Parking Services, this working group includes campus, 市和县的交通合作伙伴定期会面,讨论交通问题并分享信息.

Plug in EV Charging Stations

俄亥俄州有5个二级快速充电电动汽车充电站供公众使用.  Each station accommodates two vehicles. Click here for more information.

Hockhocking Adena Bikeway


newbb电子平台负责O'Bleness医院和Stimson大道之间的部分道路. 可持续发展办公室代表大学参加霍克霍克阿德纳自行车道咨询委员会.

Alternative Transportation Options

By Bike

Hockhocking Adena Bikeway Logo

The Hockhocking Adena Bikeway 是一条沿着霍金河穿过雅典超过22英里的道路吗, past the edges of Chauncey and The Plains, through part of Wayne National Forest, to Nelsonville.

英里标记(见上图)在自行车道沿线所有的一英里和半英里的位置都被画上了. There are also wooden posts signifying all full and half miles on the Bikeway. 英里标记是由志愿者用雅典市-县卫生局社区预防慢性疾病项目定制设计的模板绘制的. These stencils, inspired by historic brick designs of the region, connect cyclists to the history of Southeast Ohio.

newbb电子平台负责管理从俄亥俄健康奥布莱内斯医院到斯廷森大道的自行车道. When traveling on the path in the eastern City of Athens portion of the path, a cyclist can access the stores on East State Street. On the northern section of the path, a cyclist can access the Historic Square Arts District in Nelsonville.

更有野心的骑自行车者可能想要住在尼尔森维尔或平原省下房租, and cycle to school or work each day in the City of Athens. The path has restrooms and drinking fountains at various stops.

hockhocking Adena Bikeway map

The University's section of the bikeway underwent major repairs in 2014 and 2015. The repaving project cost approximately $300,这是为了维护为校园社区提供安全和积极的交通选择的责任.

可持续发展办公室代表大学参加霍克霍克阿德纳自行车道咨询委员会. If you need to report a problem with a section of the pathway which sits on University property, please email the Office of Sustainability at

要了解更多关于自行车道的信息,它的规则以及如何在自行车道上举办活动,请联系 Athens County Visitors Bureau.

Bike Maps

If your commute to work, school, or elsewhere is not along the bikeway, Cycle Path Bicycle Shop offers a free, printable bicycle commuter map for Athens. 这张地图是用颜色编码的,这样通勤者就知道哪条路的汽车流量最少.

俄亥俄州东南部自行车地图包含四张地图,显示了雅典及其周边县的道路状况和路线, with inset details for Athens, the Plains, Logan, and Nelsonville. Printed on environmentally friendly Yupo, the SE Ohio Bicycle Map is completely waterproof, tear-proof, and will inspire years of rides through the region. Copies of the map are available for purchase by Athens Bicycle Club.

Bike Repairs & Gear
If you need bike repairs, parts, clothing, rental, or are looking to purchase a bike, there are two bicycle shops located in Athens: Cycle Path Bicycle Shop and The Pedaler & The Packer.

Bike Registration
For security reasons, students should register their bikes with the Ohio University Police Department (593-1911),并将它们存放在自行车储藏室(位于New South)或位于学术大楼和宿舍外的自行车架上.

By Rideshare/Taxi

Athens GOTO Cab - Athens Airport Express

Athens GO TO CAB is an owner operated cab company. 他们有三辆出租车,既用作出租车,也用于机场快线服务.  Call (740)-590-4686.

Lyft - Use their website or download the app to find a ride.

Uber - Use their website or download the app to find a ride.

By Foot

Sustainability Walking Map

A free Sustainability Walking Map 有兴趣探索校园和当地社区的各种可持续发展特征的人可以在网上找到吗. 这张地图正在不断更新,所以欢迎通过电子邮件向我们提出建议(

There are plenty of ways to get around Athens sustainably.

Walk Score

你正在寻找一套新公寓,想知道附近的“步行”评级吗? Check out the website to determine the distance to amenities such as parks, grocery stores, libraries, coffee shops, and more.

By Electric Car

Ohio University has electric vehicle charging stations on campus. Please connect to Transportation and Parking Services electric vehicle parking webpage for more information.

Ohio University Experts on Transportation

Experts on Transportation

Kyle Butlerbutlerk@dctdsj.comSustainable Living Hub Coordinator
Geoffrey Buckleybuckleg1@dctdsj.comUrban sustainability
Tia Hyselltps@dctdsj.comDirector, Transportation and Parking Services
Robert Barber-Delachdelach@dctdsj.comAssistant Director for Graduate CRM Operations
Sam Crowlcrowls1@dctdsj.comAssociate Director of Sustainability
Bhaven Naiknaik@dctdsj.comAssociate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Edna Wanguiwangui@dctdsj.comProfessor;Chair, Department of Geography