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Privacy Notice

Notice of Privacy Practices for Community Health Programs

This notice applies to the associates of Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Community Health Programs.

The notice covers all volunteers, students, staff, or employees who participate in any of our Community Health Programs Services.


You are encouraged to review this notice and if you have any questions, please contact Community Health Programs at 740.593.2432.

Our duty is to protect your health information.

We understand that your health information is personal. When you receive health care and give this information to doctors, nurses and other caregivers at our facilities, we use that information to create your health record about you and the services and care you receive. This record is protected by law and is called your “protected health information”. This information may be kept in paper or electronic form. We are committed to keeping your health information safe.

According to the law, we must:

  • Make sure that all your protected health information is kept private;
  • Give you this Notice of Privacy Practices explaining our legal duties to safeguard your information; and
  • Follow the terms in this notice that are currently in practice at our facilities.

The Notice tells you:

  • The ways that protected health information is used and shared;
  • Your rights; and
  • Our duties regarding the use and sharing of protected health information.


There are certain ways that we may use and share your protected health information. This allows us to better address your health care needs in our Health System.

For Care and Treatment:

  1. We may share your protected health information with doctors, nurses, technicians, student trainees, and other staff involved in your health care.
  2. 如有需要,我们可能会与我们医疗系统以外的医疗服务提供者分享您的信息,以便对您进行治疗. 一个例子是,如果你被转移到另一个机构继续护理或专门服务, or if you need consultation from a dietitian or a physical therapist to help you with your recovery.

For payment for your services:

  1. Protected health information may be used or shared with other providers, insurance companies, or health plans so that we can be reimbursed for your care. 健康计划可能要求我们披露您的治疗计划,以便事先批准或确定您的健康计划是否包括治疗. 我们可能会共享信息,以便向一直参与您的护理或康复的其他提供者付款.
  2. 所有这些业务合作伙伴都有责任保护他们从我们这里收到的用于支付目的的任何受保护的健康信息.

Health care operations:

  1. Protected health information may be used or shared as necessary and as permitted by law. It is used to help determine how we may improve our care or add services or to improve operations.
  2. Surveys may be conducted to evaluate the care you receive.
  3. Information may be shared for teaching purposes.
  4. 比较调查可以利用这些信息来研究我们的医疗保健服务与其他机构的比较. These studies do not contain identifying information related directly to you. 任何帮助进行这些评估的商业伙伴也有责任直接保护您的隐私.
  5. We may use protected health information to help raise money with fundraising activities. Any individual has the right to ‘opt-out’ of receiving any fundraising communications.
  6. Appointment reminders may be used to remind you of an appointment. If you do not wish to receive these reminders, be sure to tell the associates handling your registration.
  7. Workers’ Compensation. We share protected health information with workers’ compensation agencies, if needed, for a benefit determination.
  8. Research. 我们可能会分享受保护的健康信息用于研究,当它已经通过我们的内部流程批准时,这需要维护所有患者的隐私.
  9. Public health or a threat to health or safety. Information may be shared when necessary to prevent a serious threat to public health and safety, to another individual’s health and safety or your health and safety. Information is used to report diseases, injuries, births, and deaths. Information is shared with coroners and funeral directors for deceased patients.
  10. Organ and tissue donation. Protected health information may be released to organizations that handle organ, tissue, and eye procurement to facilitate organ donation and transplantation.
  11. As required by law. We may share information about your care when required by federal, state, or local law.
  12. Victims of abuse, neglect or domestic violence. We may share certain protected health information with government agencies 
    authorized by law to receive reports of child or elder abuse, neglect, or domestic violence if we believe the patient is a victim.
  13. Health care oversight. We may share protected health information with agencies involved with audits, inspections, licensing, or investigations.
  14. Law enforcement. 如果法律要求或允许,我们可能会与执法人员分享您受保护的健康信息.
  15. Disaster relief. 我们可能会与帮助灾后个人的机构分享受保护的健康信息,以便他们的家人能够找到他们.
  16. All other disclosures require your prior written authorization. 授权表格可供患者签署,表明您书面同意向特定护理人员或其他指定个人发布受保护的健康信息. 该授权书必须由患者或其法定代表人签署并注明日期,并可被撤销(或取消)以阻止我们分享此信息. All cancellations must also be in writing. 这将适用于未与原始授权中指明的提供商共享的未来使用. 患者的法定代表必须提供文件,说明他/她代表患者行事的权力来源. 如果健康记录副本由患者或患者法定代表人现场领取, full identification in the form of a photo ID must be provided. 患者有权要求将副本直接转交给患者指定的实体或个人, provided that any such designation is clear, conspicuous, and specific with complete name, phone 
    number, and mailing address or other identifying information. Faxed authorizations will be honored as the original document. Faxing PHI to another facility is permitted; however, these outgoing faxes must be accompanied by a confidentiality/disclaimer statement. As an added precaution, 工作人员必须在传真此信息之前打电话给该设施,以语音验证授权/请求中指定的设施,并确认他们正在等待该信息. Shortly after the information is faxed, we will telephone the facility to ensure that it was received.

We will obtain your prior written authorization for uses and disclosures including:

  1. Marketing communications unless the communication is made directly to you in person, is simply a promotional gift of nominal value, is a prescription refill reminder, general health or wellness information, 或我们提供的与健康相关的产品或服务或与您的治疗直接相关的通信.
  2. Psychotherapy notes unless otherwise permitted or required by law.

We will never sell your personal health information without your prior authorization. 出于以下目的,我们可能会收到与交换您的个人健康信息相关的补偿(直接或间接):

  • 如果报酬限于准备和传输PHI的合理成本,则隐私规则允许的任何披露. Permitted costs include labor, materials, supplies for generating, storing, retrieving, and transmitting PHI, and capital and overhead costs. Profits from the disclosure of PHI are not permitted.
  • Disclosures for (i) public health, (ii) treatment of the individual and payment, (iii) the sale, transfer, merger or consolidation of all or part of a covered entity and related due diligence, if the recipient will become a covered entity, (iv)业务伙伴根据业务伙伴协议应承保实体的要求提供的服务, (v) disclosures to provide individuals with access to their PHI or an accounting of disclosures, and (vi) other disclosures required by law, even though there may be a transfer of compensation as a result of these types of disclosures (e.g., a copying fee for medical records, a cost-based fee for an accounting, service fees under a BAA, payment for the sale or transfer of a business, etc.). Further, the following activities are not considered a “sale” under the Final Rule. Further, the following activities are not considered a “sale” under the Final Rule:
    • Payments from grants, contracts or other arrangements to perform programs or activities such as research studies.
    • The exchange of PHI through a health information exchange that is paid fees assessed on participants.

Your rights regarding your protected health information:

您受保护的健康信息和账单记录是newbb电子平台骨科医学遗产学院的财产, Community Health Programs. The health information contained in our records is your protected health information. 您有权查看(请预约记录查看:740-593-2432)和/或获得一份副本. 您有权获得以电子格式存在的您的健康信息的电子副本,并且您可以指示将该副本直接传输给该实体或个人 
information. Special considerations include:

  • 心理治疗说明:可能需要卫生保健提供者的特别批准(卫生保健提供者将确定分享这类信息是否会产生不利影响)
  • Information that has been created in preparation for a civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding.
  • Other types of information that may be used to make decisions regarding your health care

You must submit a written request for your protected health information to:

Community Health Programs
16 West Green Drive
1 Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701


Right to appeal a denial to access your protected health information. 如果您的记录访问被拒绝,因为医疗保健提供者认为共享信息会产生不利影响, you do have the right to transfer your care to another provider. With authorization, we will transfer information directly to the health provider of your choice.

Right to Amend. If you feel there is an error in your protected health information, 您可以填写“修改请求”表格,并将请求提交给16 W的社区卫生计划. Green Drive, 1 Ohio University Athens, Ohio 45701. Your reason for the change must be included and information to support your request. We may deny your request if it is determined that the information in the record is accurate and complete.

Right to an Accounting of Disclosures. Patients have a right to request an accounting of disclosures of protected health information. These requests should include calendar dates that you want to see and must begin on or after April, 2003.

Right to restrict certain disclosures of protected health information. Patients have the right to restrict certain disclosures of protected health information. We are not required to agree to most requests; however, in cases where the individual pays out-of-pocket in full for the item or service, we must agree to a requested restriction of that information to the individual’s health plan. 只要这些信息不是解释您的健康计划所提供和收费的任何其他服务所必需的,我们就会尊重您的请求.

Right to request confidential communications. 您有权要求我们以某种方式与您沟通或向特定地点发送信息. This request should be submitted in writing to the hospital or office where you are receiving services. Your request should include how or where you wish to be contacted and by what method (i.e. telephone, mail, fax).

Right to be notified of a breach. Individuals have the right to be notified following a breach of unsecured protected health information.

Right to receive a paper copy of this notice. You have the right to receive a paper copy of this Notice. Paper copies are available in the registration areas. During the registration process, you will be asked to acknowledge receipt of this Notice on your general consent form. We reserve the right to make changes to this Notice. Effective dates are noted.


If you believe that your privacy rights have been violated, then you may file a complaint by contacting Community Health Programs at 740.593.2432. We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint. You may also file a complaint with the U.S. Office of Civil Rights in Washington D.C. within 180 days of a violation of your rights.

If you have questions or need a paper copy of this Notice, please contact Community Health Programs at 740.593.2432.