电子邮件:Catmail, Microsoft Outlook


俄亥俄州学生的微软365电子邮件帐户, faculty, staff, 以及2000年以后毕业的校友. 


Who can access

  • 当前申请人、雇员和退休人员

  • 招收本科生和研究生

  • 2000年以后毕业的荣誉毕业生和校友

  • 赞助来宾帐户

    • 赞助商必须申请电子邮件访问权限


  • 不需要请求. The service is enabled automatically based on your role at the University.



Platform Needed

  • PC and Mac

    • Outlook 2016或更新版本

    • Mac邮件和日历内置newbb电子:Mac OS 10.14(莫哈韦)或更高

  • 移动newbb电子程序


Service support

Get help

  • 浏览技术支援中心(help.dctdsj.com)以获得实时支持、查看故障和浏览培训.


Visit the following Microsoft support page for information about accessibility features available in Email: 

Ohio University strives to make its digital resources and services accessible to all visitors, including those with disabilities who may also be using assistive technology. If special steps are necessary in order to improve the accessibility of experiences for end-users, 必须采取这些步骤. 
If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access OHIO websites, videos, online forums, documents, 或其他资讯科技, 请让我们知道
For further information about OHIO's digital accessibility resources, see:



Catmail includes advanced security features to protect you and the University from phishing scams, malware, 以及敏感数据的意外泄露.



When you receive an email from an external sender (anyone outside of dctdsj.com), 这封邮件的顶部会有一条黄色的横幅, warning you to use extra caution when clicking links or opening attachments. 这一警告旨在减少 钓鱼式攻击, 这些都是欺诈性邮件, 通常被设计成看起来像大学的官方交流, that trick users into disclosing sensitive information or opening attachments that install malicious software.

A message highlighted in yellow that reads "Notice: This message was sent from outside Ohio University. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments in this message.


当你收到一封可疑的邮件, you can report it as a potential phishing attack directly from your email application. Reported phishing and junk messages are sent to both to OIT and Microsoft, where they are reviewed to improve the effectiveness of spam filters. 

Catmail (Outlook on Web) users can report suspicious emails using the “Junk” dropdown menu and selecting “Phishing”:

A dropdown menu with the following options: Junk, Phishing, Block

Outlook desktop users will find a “Report Message” button in the Outlook Ribbon at the top of the screen:

A dropdown menu with the following options: Junk, Phishing, Not Junk, Options, Help

在Outlook for iOS上报告可疑电子邮件, iPadOS, or Android, tap the three small dots in the upper right corner and tap the “Report Message” icon:

iOS: Android:

A screenshot from iOS with three dots circled in red in the upper right corner and a number one, 然后是一个用红色圈起来的报告垃圾图标和一个数字2

A screenshot from Android with three dots circled in red in the upper right corner and a number one, 然后是一个用红色圈起来的报告垃圾图标和一个数字2



当你点击电子邮件中的链接时, SafeLinks uses an automated Microsoft service to verify that the link's destination is not malicious. 如果链接看起来是恶意的, the service will display a warning and prevent the linked site from loading. If you are using Outlook, you can view the actual destination of a SafeLink by mousing over it. 如果这不起作用, 或者如果您从非标准电子邮件客户端检查邮件, 你可以使用我们的 SafeLinks解码器(需要俄亥俄登录) 查看链接的目的地. 


当有人给你发附件时, 安全附件 will scan that message and attachment using machine learning and analysis techniques to detect malicious content. Delivery may be delayed a few minutes to allow this scanning to occur. 如果检测到恶意附件, 附件将被删除, 以及一个名为“恶意软件警报文本”的替代文本文件.Txt”将出现在它的位置. 如果您认为附件被错误删除, 请联系IT服务台.



Email is not a proper method to share sensitive data with external parties. To reduce the likelihood of sensitive data disclosure via email, Ohio University has enabled Microsoft 365 防止数据丢失 (DLP) for Catmail. Automated DLP scans can help reduce the risk of distributing sensitive data; however, 适当地处理这些数据仍然是您的责任.

尊重隐私 - DLP扫描是自动的. An Information Security analyst will only access a copy of a message if DLP flags that message as containing a large amount of sensitive data. 


If DLP detects one or more Social Security numbers in an outgoing email, the service will block that message and notify the sender of the issue, 要么通过策略提示,要么通过拒绝消息.

在Outlook on Web或Outlook for Windows中, a Policy Tip will appear at the top of your window letting you know that your message appears to contain sensitive data and giving you the option of reporting a 'false positive.如果您按发送,消息将被拒绝. 

在Outlook for Mac和移动newbb电子程序上, 策略提示将不会出现, 但是如果您尝试发送该消息,该消息仍然会被拒绝.  

要报告误报,请转发拒绝消息 到IT服务台 for assistance.

通过Web Outlook (Catmail)报告SSN阻止的误报

Outlook on Web

SSN blocking policy before sending email via Outlook Desktop Client

Outlook for Windows




  1. If DLP detects high volumes of PII (personal identified information) being sent to a non-dctdsj.com address, the service will create an incident report for the 资讯保安办事处.

  2. A security analyst will review the flagged data to determine if a data loss has occurred.

  3. If the match is a false positive, the case will be closed with no further action required.

  4. 在实际数据丢失的情况下, 将遵循正常的事件响应程序, 包括必要时的纪律处分.


If you still require sending sensitive information via email, please 加密您的文档 发送之前. You can password protect the document and securely share the password with the recipient via another form of communication such as telephone or in-person. 

newbb电子平台 资讯保安办事处 strives to educate and empower the University community to appropriately manage risks and protect OHIO’s information and systems. 这项工作是通过政策来促进的, standards, 以及信息安全风险管理程序, as well as other tools and guidance that are provided to the University community. This modern approach creates a safe computing environment in which the university community can teach, learn, 进行研究. 




Service ID: 93