Student Organization 资源 & 培训

newbb电子平台通过强大的培训和资源为学生组织提供成功所需的工具. To speak to a Center for Student Engagement & Leadership representative, please email involvement@俄亥俄州.edu.

Otherwise, all things student organizations are housed on Bobcat 连接, including Ohio University’s:

Registering a New Organization

如果一个学生团体符合条件,他们可以申请成为一个认可的学生组织. 请参阅学生组织认可程序和资格要求 Student Organization Handbook [PDF].

要注册一个新组织,请访问组织选项卡 Bobcat 连接, and click “Register A New Organization.“一旦你填完表格,一个学生参与中心 & Leadership staff member will be in contact.

Organization Leadership Training Modules

Ohio University student organizations are more than just a way to get involved; through experiences as members and leaders of these groups, 俄亥俄州 students become stronger communicators, planners and more well-rounded individuals.

这些培训视频将通过培养招募和留住成员的基本技能来支持学生组织领导团队, lead meetings, manage finances, and build a sustainable organization.

Officer Transition 资源

将知识和角色责任从即将离任的官员转移到新上任的官员身上,对于学生组织的长期成功至关重要. 在过渡过程中,新入职人员有机会向离任人员学习他们的职位和职责. 

  • Transfer of organization ownership and historical knowledge
  • 组织的进展、成长和目标的无缝连续性
  • 加强人员之间的有效沟通和支持,以规划和制定新的目标
  •  培养新军官的自豪感和使命感

成功的官员交接需要超过一个小时的会议. During an officer's entire time in their role, they should be documenting processes, progress, recommendations, 和目标.

Transition Guide

A transition guide [PDF] is available for your organization to use. 这里有一些有用的问题和核对表,供即将离任和上任的人员使用. 

  1. 离职人员填写“离职人员核对表”及“离职人员工作表”
  2. Incoming officers complete the ‘Incoming Officer Worksheet’
  3. 离任和新任管理人员董事会举行过渡会议(议程样本见过渡指南)

               a. During the group transition meeting, 确保有时间为个别人员的过渡安排一对一的会议.

Student Organization 财务状况

The Center for Student Engagement & 领导力旨在为所有学生组织提供维持财务健康所需的支持. 此外,学生组织可以期望与 Office of the Bursar 存入收入和参议院拨款委员会(SAC)的资金机会. 所有的学生组织都有一个学校的银行账户.

External bank accounts are prohibited. 

For more information, student organizations can access the Treasurer’s Manual [PDF] or book an appointment for financial support.

Making Purchases

Before making purchases, 学生组织成员应始终确保他们的学生组织账户中有适当的资金. 

Student organizations can purchase items in two ways:

  1. Complete an expenditure request with the center to use a University Purchasing Card (p-card). 这个过程与使用个人信用卡的方式相同,只是资金直接来自学生组织账户.
  2. 成员或组织可以使用他们的个人资金,并由组织报销. Complete an expenditure request to request reimbursement.

如果你为服务付钱给个人或企业,或者有合同涉及, schedule an appointment with a Procurement Specialist for further assistance.

Checking Your Balance

学生组织俄亥俄可用资金视图可用于查看收据, 一个组织可用的支出和剩余资金.

Funds Available View

A video tutorial is located in the Leadership Training Modules.

Making Deposits

Complete a Deposit Slip, (可向财务司司长办公室的学生组织窗口索取, 010 Chubb Hall), with the following information:

  • Organization’s name
  • Account number
  • Deposit amount
  • 硬币必须卷上印有该组织的名称和账号
  • 支票上必须注明该机构的名称和账号
  • Treasurer’s signature

Requesting Checks


SAC Funding

Besides fundraising and dues as income-producing activities, 学生组织可以通过财务工具on申请参议院拨款委员会(SAC)的资助 Bobcat 连接

SAC是一个由学生管理的资助机构,这意味着所有的资助决定都由学生做出. There are two types of SAC funding: bi-weekly and semesterly. Bi-weekly requests have a $1,每次申请的上限为500美元,并且必须在提出申请的学期内进行. 每学期的申请没有资金上限,必须在申请前一个学期提出. 

Questions can be emailed to sac@俄亥俄州.edu.

Spring 2024 SAC Meetings (Baker 355)

  • January 23
  • 2月6日
  • February 20
  • 3月5日
  • 3月19日
  • 4月2日
  • 4月16日

学生组织今年开展了前所未有的项目,SAC很高兴能够资助这么多的学生组织.  然而, as a result of the increased programming, SAC has run out of funds to allocate for bi-weekly funding. 我们很抱歉,这将给我们的一些组织造成不便.

学期预算申请将于2月26日通过newbb电子平台连接开放,并将持续开放至4月5日. If you need assistance with your application, please email sac@俄亥俄州.edu.

Event Planning

Special Weekend Event Space Request

newbb电子平台为学生举办了几个特别的周末,欢迎家人和朋友来到他们的俄亥俄体验. 而学生组织通常会在EMS或Astra上预留空间, 在特殊周末申请空间需要一个特殊的表格. 提交后,学生组织将被通知空间分配.

Event Space Request Form [PDF]

Email completed forms to involvement@俄亥俄州.edu or drop off at the Center for Student Engagement & Leadership at Baker 355.

Green Event

你有兴趣在newbb电子平台举办一个绿色活动吗? 绿色活动旨在同时造福人类、地球和繁荣.

Learn 关于 Green 事件

EMS Room Reservations for Fall 2024

Conference and Event Services Opening Day is Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 9:00 am


Video tutorials for reserving spaces are available in the Leadership Training Modules.